Monday, September 19, 2011

Gothic Buildings

Big scary Gothic buildings can be intimidating if you come from an area where they don’t have many around. Gothic Architecture is often harmless unless you stayed up late the night before watching way too many vampire movies. Gothic buildings often have dark and mysterious feeling to them. Once you have been around a lot of this Gothic Architecture though you can get used to it and realize that Gothic buildings are just like any other buildings. There really is no ghosts or demons in there like that Show Super Natural would like you to believe. Although it is sometime fun to feel like these Gothic buildings have some sort of mythical, magical or ghostly feeling. Some people even associate the devil with Gothic buildings such as churches or large cathedrals.  But in reality this is the TV screen getting to us. Gothic Architecture is harmless really. When was the last time one of your friends was haunted in a Gothic Cathedral? It just doesn’t happen. If you really want to get freaked out with Gothic buildings though go at night and sneak around, once the local priest finds you and asks what you’re up to you’ll of had enough of these Gothic buildings and go running home to mamma and papa HAHAHA.

In some European countries though these Gothic buildings can be quit intimidating, so make sure you take some friends with you when you go exploring. There is nothing like having one of the local really wrinkly nuns come up to you in some other language and jibber something you don’t understand while being surrounded by the Gothic Architecture.

Colors of Gothic Buildings can be anywhere from white, to grays, blacks even some pinks and reds. Most of the really gnarly freaky demonized Gothic buildings and Architecture  is grey to black in color hell yeah. Please review or pictures section for a few of these Gothic buildings, and Gothic Architecture.  We will be updating some of these section in the near future hopefully.

Lastly, stay away from Gothic buildings that are down alleys you really don’t want that weirdo who is comfortable with Gothic buildings to come up to you can ask you for a light when he is really interested your wallet and he knows he can summon the demons from one of these Gothic buildings near by.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Gothic Buildings

Gothic Buildings, or Gothic Architecture, remains prevalent in many parts of the world. Although Gothic fashion originated in the 80s, Gothic buildings and architecture has been around for centuries. Gothic style buildings can be found in all parts of the world. Although Gothic style buildings or gothic architecture buildings have been around for centuries they did not refer to them as Gothic buildings. The term Gothic did not originate until the 19th century.

Although most of the Gothic Buildings can be found in Europe and South America, you can still find some in places like New England; typically the Gothic style buildings you see here are the Old Catholic churches, from large Gothic cathedrals to smaller Gothic churches. It is very rare to find Gothic style buildings such as homes in the US. You would have a much easier time finding Gothic style buildings in places like France, and old parts of the UK.

Gothic buildings such as homes can be particularly cold in winters without adequate heating. Most of these Gothic homes are built out of stones, or bricks. If the interiors do not have a modern insulation setup they can hold the cold in for much longer periods of time. The Gothic bricks or stones remain cold for some time.

Other Gothic Architecture besides Gothic styles homes or Gothic Cathedrals can be quit hard to find as well. Typically most of the Gothic architecture falls under medieval buildings, or castles. Again most of this Gothic architecture can be found in Europe, such as UK, Scotland, France, and many other parts of Euro areas. Many of these castles also have smaller Gothic buildings such as out houses for the help, or maids, gardeners etc.

Please see many of our other sections for Gothic style building pictures, as well as other Gothic architecture.

gothic buildings, gothic architecture, gothic style buildings, gothic architecture buildings